Refunds Policy

Our refund policy aims to provide clarity and fairness to Clients and Sellers. While we strive for customer satisfaction, refunds are granted only under specific circumstances as determined by the Company. This policy outlines the procedures and conditions for requesting refunds and handling disputes, ensuring a transparent and equitable process for all parties involved.

For Clients

As a general rule, refunds will not be provided unless the Company deems the circumstances fit for a refund. Clients can request a refund by emailing with a clear and specific reason for the refund request and details of the terms violated. The decision to grant a refund is at the Company's sole discretion. Refund requests must be made within 15 days of purchase or the period specified by the Sellers.

If a Client disputes a transaction with a Seller and seeks a refund, they must create a case using the link provided in the transaction email within 15 days of the transaction date. Failure to do so absolves the Company of any responsibility for resolving the dispute. Clients must not dispute or chargeback the transaction with their credit card issuing bank without informing or obtaining prior consent from the Company.

For Sellers

Transactions may be reversed or charged back to your account if they are disputed by the Client, reversed by the Network, deemed fraudulent, or found to be in violation of the Agreement. The Company reserves the right to withhold transaction amounts from your account in case of chargebacks. If there are pending chargebacks, the Company may delay future payouts. The Company may also withhold amounts if it suspects a significant risk of chargebacks and may charge fees for refunds, chargebacks, or disputes.

If your account experiences a high volume of chargebacks, the Company reserves the right to suspend your account, increase processing fees, withhold payouts, extend the holding period for funds, or implement a rolling reserve. Additionally, a "Penalty fee" may be charged to Users for platform abuse, covering investigation, operational handling, and legal consultation costs.

Audit Rights

The Company has the right to inspect and audit a User’s records related to Services performed during normal business hours for the Agreement's Term and for one year thereafter, at its own cost. The Company may investigate and verify the authenticity of information provided by the Seller or Client, particularly if the information appears suspicious or fraudulent. This may involve direct contact with Clients or their issuing banks to verify payment details.

Sellers must cooperate with investigations by providing necessary documents, including self-attested KYC documents, licenses, invoices, proof of delivery, Client details, payment method details, and authorization emails from Clients or cardholders. The Company may withhold payouts, either partially or fully, until the investigation is satisfactorily completed.

Non-cooperation may lead to account termination and referral to regulatory bodies for further investigation.

By adhering to these policies, both Clients and Sellers can ensure a smooth and transparent transaction process, protecting both parties and maintaining the integrity of the platform.

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